You know, this was one of those articles that I kept for a “special” occasion. Like that bottle of wine or that nice dress that you have. Just waiting for a perfect occasion to wear it; or consume it. To make things even more funny, as you also probably know, that “perfect” moment usually […]
“I don’t know how to manage people”
Ever caught yourself saying it? “I’m good at what I do, but I suck at managing people”, or “I don’t really want to be a manager, I want to do actual stuff”, etc.? If the answer is NO, I hate to inform you that this article is definitely not made for you and that […]
It’s OK that you’re feeling down
Are you feeling (a bit) “meh” these days? Bored? Lazy? Unmotivated? Unsure about what to do with your time; or life? Maybe even a bit depressed? Interestingly enough, whoever I speak to seems to be feeling (a bit) down. What surprises me is not the feeling itself, but the fact that they are puzzled […]
Here’s why I see programming as an art form
Funny enough, this wasn’t the first time I discussed this subject. But this conversation was different. The person sitting next to me was someone whose opinion I deeply respect. We were discussing a programmer that we both met recently. “I could never do programming. It seems so boring to me”, said The Person. This […]
Scrum. From developer’s perspective.
Funny enough, every Scrum related article that I’ve read was written by Scrum master / coach / advocate / whatever. Or, at least the ones that present Scrum in a positive light. On the other hand, most developers that I know, either dislike it or have heard negative things about it. I do know […]
Do something that you suck at
I think it’s interesting to mention how this article came to be. Believe it or not, it all started with one of Joe Rogan’s podcasts. Suddenly, I’ve just heard Joe shouting “Do something that you suck at!”, “Try something that you never tried before!”, “Go back to zero and start from scratch!”, yadda yadda […]
Why do we ignore cognitive (over)load?
Here’s the thing, the company that I’m currently working at has a massive codebase. Massive as in – maaaassive. Windows 95 had around 15 million lines of code and we surpassed that a while ago. Now, like any code that was, is, or will be written, our code has bugs as well. And occasionally […]
Stealing the Inspiration
This is a topic I’ve been contemplating for a while now. How do you get yourself inspired to create something new? Can you actually induce your creativity out of nowhere? Or do you have to get yourself inspired somehow? Well, here’s what I think … What I know so far … I was discussing […]
Fighting your inner voice
Have you ever had that moment when you get an idea to do something and you’re so damn excited that you just can’t wait to start it? Be it a blog post, a hobby, a job change or just about anything that you feel so hyped about? But then, slowly, your head starts producing […]
Joe Rogan Starter Pack
If you have no idea who Joe Rogan is, then you won’t be surprised that, a bit over 8 months ago – I had no idea either. Never heard of the guy. Never even listened to a podcast honestly (like, ANY podcast) … and then, a colleague brought […]