In Part 1 I discussed a very simple and friendly way — just use GFlags to do it. And in all honesty, that probably should be your preferred option, unless you can start the process by yourself, in which case you don’t need these post series anyway 🙂 NOTE: Here are direct links to previous […]
Attaching debugger immediately after process starts – Part 1
Alright, for those who don’t want to read my intro fart-outs, feel free to jump directly to “how to” section. For those who want to know the full story – read on. NOTE: I also published – Part 2, Part 3. and Part 4 First things first – WTF happened with my writings and why […]
Working in Microsoft Dev Center Serbia (MDCS) is freaking awesome
DISCLAIMER: This article has been written by myself and myself only, and content outlined in no way represents any of the views or opinions of my employer. You know, I’m working in the Azure SQL department (which pretty much fulfilled my dream of building a database) and, interestingly enough, the most common question I get […]
On Writing
People assume that I love writing. That’s fair. I used to write a lot in the past and these days I’m really trying to scribble stuff down whenever I have some free minutes. Makes sense to assume that I just love doing it, because why bother otherwise? Truth is — I hate writing. Hate it. […]
Lessons learned from traveling with a baby / toddler
This article has been in making since our very first travel when our little guy was 3 months old, which is when we went for the first longer travel. He’s 18 months old now (year and a half for those who hate month notation) and we did a fair bit of moving around, both by […]
Lessons learned after eighteen months of being a first-time dad
If you need a brief summary of how the last six months felt, it’s best described by the fact that I went from “I want to have my balls cut off with a cold steel in order to prevent the risk of impregnating my hot wife ever again” all the way to “I actually want […]
My journey into Microsoft
Ever since Dr. Milan Milanovic published the interview, I kept being asked for additional details on how I got a gig in Microsoft. And I think it all stemmed from the fact that my path was rather unconventional and that it breaks the stigma of most what is known. I’m happy that’s the case. And […]
Multi-tasking is for robots. And humans.
tl;dr I believe that the best way to achieve as much as possible is to multi-task. But it has to be done properly. And the proper way, from my POV, is having multiple tasks in your backlog and keeping notes on where you are, what is left and what is the current issue. This way […]
Lessons learned after eleven months of being a first-time dad
It’s actually funny, you know. It was just recently that I realized that the first 6 months were mostly about me trying to figure out this little alien who infiltrated our home, whereas the following 6 months were about myself figuring out stuff about myself. Like, point blank figuring out how much shit (pun intended) […]
On Paul Randal’s mentoring
The Background Those of you who follow me on LinkedIn might have noticed that I accepted a challenge to become one of the mentee’s of Paul Randal. This blog post is an elaboration on why I think that’d be useful! To understand the motives we have to go back to dark ages. Well, my personal […]